Meet our faculty!

Diverse, dynamic team of experts who are here to help students achieve their goals.

The most important thing a teacher can give a student is not knowledge but the ability to think and never to be satisfied with easy answers.

Our Academic Approach:


We aim to provide you with a welcoming and stimulating environment that enables you to thrive, both in your studies and beyond.


We believe that learning is best achieved when students are actively engaged and excited.


We use a special approach that helps you learn to think deeply and gain a life skill that can lead both to academic success and a lifelong love of learning.

Inga Tsert

Business English | Problem Solving in Science | Communication and Study skills

2008 Promoting Academic Writing and Publishing, Macmillan Education Publisher, Nice, France
2005 Certificate in Education Leadership and Management, Macmillan Publisher, Oxford, UK
2004-2009 Test Developer, Test Development Project, British Council in Uzbekistan
2004 IELTS Tutor, IELTS Training course, Westminster International University in Tashkent
2003 Certificate in ELT (Communicative methodology), Open Society Institute, Kyrgyzstan
2002 Effective Approaches to Training, British Council, Baku, Azerbaijan
2001-2002 Certificate in teaching ESP, ESP Trainers course, Open Society Institute, Samarkand
1990-1996 MA in ELT, Uzbek World Languages University

2011-2016 Senior Lecturer of English, Russian State Oil and Gas University Gubkina
2006-2011 Head Trainer and Academic Advisor, Macmillan Publishers in Tashkent
2003-2006 Senior Lecturer of English, Uzbek State University of World Economy and Diplomacy
1996-2003 Lecturer of English, Tashkent Regional Pedagogical University, Angren

2003 First Nomination, English Language Teaching Excellence Competition

Tsert, I., and A. Tennant (2002) English Matters Grade 7, Macmillan Education
Tsert, I., and A. Tennant (2002) English Matters Grade 5, Macmillan Education
Tsert , I et al (2009) Language Testing Handbook, British Council
Tsert , I et al (2010) STC trials manual, British Council

educational psychology, language learning and language acquisition, communicative language teaching, materials design for learner autonomy

Atela Ghoura

Business Management | Introduction to Marketing | Problem Solving in Science and Technology


  • Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
    Master of Arts – MA (Distinction), International Businesses Management · (2019 – 2021)


  • National College Of Business Administration & Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
    Bachelor of Business Administration – BBA (Hons),
    Business Administration and Management, General · (2014 – 2018)


  • Edwards College, Peshawar, Pakistan

A-Levels, Humanities · (2012 – 2013)


  • Beaconhouse School System, Peshawar, Pakistan

O-Levels IGCSE, Humanities

  • (December 2019 – September 2021) Tashkent, Uzbekistan

IELTS Instructor

Initially hired as an English teacher, now I am working there as an English and IELTS Instructor where I give my best to provide strategies on how to do well in their IELTS Exams. Also teach different levels of student’s English language and hold speaking classes every week.

  • (September 2019 – December 2019) Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Marketing Specialist

I worked as a marketing and human resource manager and was responsible with creating different tour packages for the customers and it was fun working there despite working there for a short time.

  • Mosaic Solution (March 2017 – September 2017) Lahore, Pakistan

Lead Operator

Promoted within the first month as the head lead operator where I would lead a team of individuals with their lead generation and online customer communications.

  1. Motivation for playing E-sports by Atela Ghoura – Thesis 

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  1. Student satisfaction and retention in Tashkent learning centers – Research 

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  1. General Certificate of Education – University of Cambridge International Examinations (June 2011. No Expiration Date)
  2. International General Certificate of Secondary Education – University of Cambridge International Examinations (June 2011. No Expiration Date)
  3. Start Teaching with Moodle – Moodle Academy (September 2022. No Expiration Date)
  4. Moodle Academy Moodle Teaching Teaching Basics – Moodle Academy (September 2022. No Expiration Date)


  • Certificate of Achievement (3rd Place) – Techstars Startup Weekend, Tashkent – 2022
  • Teacher of the year – 2022
  • Employee of the year (2nd Place) – 2022

Boris Goldengorin

Quantitative Logistics and Applied Combinatorial Optimization

    • Rivne Pedagogical Institute, secondary school teacher, BSc in mathematics and physics, 1964

    • Ryazan Radio-Engineering Institute, MSc in Electrical Engineering, 1967

    • Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, MSc in Applied Mathematics, 1973

Job Sequencing and Tool Switching Problem, Preemptive Single Machine Scheduling with Arbitrary Objective Functions, Big Data Aggregation and Truncation by Pseudo- Boolean Polynomials, Theory and applications of submodular functions in machine learning, Exact and Approximation Algorithms and Heuristics for the preemptive single machine scheduling problems with an open status on their computational complexity, Data Correcting and Tolerance Based Algorithms in MILP models, Applications of extreme order statistics to enumeration type of algorithms for solving Mixed Integer and Non-Linear Optimization Problems, Paterns in the Linear Assignment Problem Applied to Extraction of Optimal Computational Networks.

Liliya Kim

Comminication and Study Skills

– Liliya Kim

Master’s Degree in Linguistics (English Language), Uzbek State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan

Curriculum: Text linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Pedagogy and Psychology, Modern Methods of Teaching English

Uzbek State University of World Languages, Uzbekistan

Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistics (English Language)

Majors: English Teaching Methodology, Integrated Skills

Minors: Spanish

Team University, Academic Skills Module leader

English Language Instructor, MDIS, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

EFL Teacher, The Uzbek State University of World Languages, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Rathi Kumar Deva Raj

Web Development Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Computing and C++

– Rathi Kumar Deva Raj

Masters in Computer Science Engineering


Institution:  Lourdes Mount College of Engineering & Technology 

Duration:  From Aug 2015 to Dec 2021


Institution: IBS Computer Centre

Male’ – Republic of Maldives.

Duration:    From May 2011 to April 2015


Institution:  Union Christian Polytechnic College

Duration:  From May 2010 to April 2011

Shukrullo Nematjonov

Probability and Statistics  | Algebra

– Shukrullo Nematjonov

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Namangan State University, Namangan September

2016 – June 2020

Masters of Science in Mathematics National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent

September 2020 – June 2012

2020 – 2021 —Teacher of Mathematics at academic lyceum under World Economy and Diplomacy University;

2020 – 2021 —Teacher of Mathematics in Al Beruniy international school based Pearson system. .

2021 – Present Module Leader at IDU

“Theoretical foundations and practical problems of modern mathematics” Andijan State University Andijan, 2022,

“Cauchy problem for the Pfaff equation” -International Conference on Innovative Development of Education, Tashkent, 2022.

Feruza Askarova

Business English

Sep 2008 – June 2012

BA in English Philology and Literature, Institute for English Language Teacher Education (IELTE) Program Department, Uzbek State World Languages University

September 2012 – June 2014

MA in Foreign Languages (English Philology, major – English Language Teaching methodology), Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami

Aug/2022-PresentLecturer at International Digital University in Tashkent

Jan/2022-May/2022Teacher of Developing Professional Identity (DPI), Visiting Practitioner at Westminster International University in Tashkent

Sep/2021-Nov/2021 Political Analyst Assistant within OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to the Republic of Uzbekistan

Presidential Election 2021

Sep/2017-Aug/2021Teacher of Basics of English for Academic Purposes, Associate Lecturer at Westminster International University in Tashkent

2021 – Multilingual dictionary of basic terms in water management (Provided technical assistance in compiling the Uzbek version of the dictionary)

Click me to see detailed information

2018 – Askarova, F. et al. (2018) Set of assignments on the Theory of pedagogics module. “Navruz” Press House (designed case-study tests on the lecture topics of the “Theory of pedagogics” module; formed a collection of non-standard tests on the lecture topics of the “Theory of pedagogics” module).

2017 – Askarova, F. et al. (2014) Pedagogics: explanatory dictionary. “Navruz” Press House (selected, systematized and interpreted pedagogical concepts; translated pedagogical concepts and their definition into English).

February 25th, 2023 – Methods for Mixed Classes Professional Development Day Conference (Certificate of Completion)

September, 2022 – Moodle Teaching Basics Program (Certificate of Completion)

2017-2018 AY – Certified University Teacher (Central Asian Center for Teaching and Learning Entrepreneurship founded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union) (Certificate of Completion)

2017-2018 AY – Professional Writing Enhancement (Professional development training founded by WIUT) (Certificate of Completion)

Khudoybergen Abdullaev

Mathematics for Computing

– Khudoybergen Abdullaev

Bachelor – Nukus State Pedagogical Institute [2016-2020]
• Methodology of teaching mathematics
Masters – National University of Uzbekistan [2020 -2022]
Differential equations and mathematical physics

2020 — 2021
Math teacher at school № 11
2021 — 2022
Teacher of mathematics at Academical Lyceum ALUWED

-Teacher of mathematics at Academical Lyceum of TSTU
– participated in the development of the platform
2022- till present

Optimal allocation of resources and minimalization of time of a project by defining sequence of works, 2021, National University of Uzbekistan.

Shaxzod Suvanov

Algebra | Mathematics Fundamentals | Probability and statistics modules.

Shaxzod Suvanov

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at Karshi State University, Karshi September 2004 – June 2008

Masters of Science in Mathematics-Physics at National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent September 2008 – June 2010


Researcher at the Institute of Mathematics named after V.I.Romanovskiy, Academy of Sciences of Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent 2011-2014


Assistant-professor at Samarkand State University, Samarkand 2014-2020


PhD researcher at Samarkand State University, Samarkand 2021-current.