Студенческий союз IDU
Мы являемся студенческой организацией, целью которой является содействие вовлечению студентов и сообществу в кампусе. Наша миссия состоит в том, чтобы создать яркое и инклюзивное студенческое сообщество, которое способствует росту, обучению и развитию.
Студенческий союз проводит различные мероприятия в течение года, в том числе:

Professional Development Opportunities

Community Service Projects

Cultural Celebrations

Social Events
General Manager is the separate institution of the SU Full-Time Officials from the Executive Cabinet and represents judicial power, controls the legality of the projects and activities of other SU members and other students’ associations at all.
Shuxrat Hakimov
SU General Manager
President is the first person who represents the interests of students of International Digital University in Tashkent to the Administration and all other viable institutions interested.
Azizbek Jo'rayev
SU President
Bahodir Ismoilov
SU Vice President
The education and Welfare Executive is responsible for the academic support of the SU team to the students of IDU. The education and Welfare Executive is the Representative in Chief for the Academic and Welfare Matters within the University and Dormitory.
Bargida Tilyakova
Girl’s Power officer
The events and Entertainment Executive is responsible for the Social Activities and Events in the University and Complex Projects’ social activities. He is responsible for the Social, Art, Entertaining, Music, and Drama Clubs of WIUT.
Azizbek Jo'rayev
SU President
The information and Communication Executive is responsible for providing and maintaining the appropriate level and channel of communication between Students and the SU Board members via e-mails, available media and other forms of electronic and printed communication.
Zohirjon Rahmatjonov
SU Events Manager

Azizbek Jo’raev
SU President
“Our goal is to ensure that every student has a fulfilling and memorable university experience. We welcome and encourage all students to participate in making our campus a better place for everyone.”
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Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы или вы хотите принять участие в нашей организации, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по адресу info@idu.uz